Category Archives: Fire-resistant fabrics

fire-resistant fabirc

Why are fire blankets important?

Fire blankets are great to have in any area, but especially in apartments, commercial kitchens and student accommodation. When a fire is in its infancy, fire blankets work to starve the blaze of oxygen, extinguishing it before it spreads any further. While most often used in residential and catering environments, fire blankets are becoming increasingly...
fire extinguisher cover

IC International Fire Extinguisher Covers

Fire extinguisher covers offer an inexpensive solution for protection from dirt, dust, grime and grease. We also keep equipment in mint condition, giving you peace of mind in the event of a fire occurring. IC International’s Extinguisher covers are available in fluorescent orange material, which has an added UV stabilising agent, which helps to reduce...
Fire-resistant fabrics

Choosing Fire-resistant Fabrics

Each year over 2,000 workers are admitted to hospitals because of burn injuries caused by flash fire accidents, molten metal splash burns and electric arcs. One of the reasons for these injuries is the lack of correct personal equipment. When workers in the manufacturing or industrial workplaces do not wear proper PPE this ultimately increases...